The 6 best casino commercials right now

Every day you are met by casino advertising everywhere. It is in some strange way inevitable and we understand that many are starting to get annoyed with advertising. Advertising is bombarded on radio, TV and on social media. But anyway. Many commercials are of very poor quality and are not particularly fun to watch. However, there are some… Read more

2 most popular slot machines 2018

With only a few months left of 2018, it's time for us at to tell you about the most popular slot machines in 2018. So they are about slots, which is the Swedes' absolute best form of gaming and many like to spin slots and slot machines to get a kick and tickling effect in everyday life. There are lots of… Read more

3 awesome casino experiences

We have previously advocated several times that the casino should be fun. For many, it is a matter of course and you understand why casino is so much fun. But, unfortunately, sometimes people can lose that feeling. But, here comes the article that understands how tickling and what a kick playing casino can give you. We will … Read more

Responsible gaming

Gambling abuse is still relatively uncommon but is still widely discussed in the industry. This is of course a very serious problem and something that no one should have to be involved in. Swedish casinos today have a responsibility and many are very good at taking care of those who play too much, even though some reviews have shown the opposite. Att… Read more

We now have a complete start page stands in the starting pits for something big and has in recent weeks worked to get as good a start page as possible. By good start page we mean the best casino offers, bonuses and free spins. Now the start page is full and you can find many different good deals. We will in this article explain how we have… Read more

How we rate a casino

Judging an online casino is not always easy. It is so easy that we who have experienced the casino think differently compared to the one who has not tested at all. Therefore, it is important to get a thorough review to build as clear a picture as possible. Here is an article about the criteria we use for… Read more

CasinoFia is your new hero in the casino world

Now we are finally up and running! The long-awaited and new casino portal for you who are looking for bonuses, offers, free spins and other important things for playing casino online. It is a very dense industry and we at realize that there are several who try to do the same thing as us. Therefore, it is important that you… Read more